POLL: Who's Your Favorite Duo?
Saturday, March 9, 2013 at 10:04AM
Tim in John McCain, Lindsey Graham, McCain and Graham, NOTEBOOK, political humor, politics

Please select only one:

A. Laurel and Hardy

B. Hall and Oates

C. Bert and Ernie

D. Salt-N-Pepa

E. Marx and Engels

F. Starsky and Hutch

G. McCain and Graham

Leave answers in the comments below, or on Facebook. Thank you.

Participation in this poll helps me with my personal research. (I don't own these images -- used for educational purposes only.) TE

Update on Saturday, March 23, 2013 at 1:03PM by Registered CommenterTim

The results are in! After compiling countless responses on this blog and on Facebook (including many thoughtful write-ins), the clear winners are C. Bert & Ernie. Although a related poll by Katie Levin showed some support for calling them "Ernie & Bert" instead -- that opinion coming mainly from former Vermont residents (I don't know why). In truth, I think I started this in order to make a McCain & Graham joke -- remember those guys? They were hilarious! But it turned into something much more fun...and informative. Thank you for your participation!

Article originally appeared on Tim Ellis (http://timelliscomedy.com/).
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