"Talk Like A Pirate Day" Be Offensive t' Pirates

Avast! Methinks Talk Like a Pirate Day reinforces ye offensive pirate stereotypes! Just because ye be raidin’ ships farr booty don't mean ye say ahoy an’ arrrrr every chance ye get! Piratin' be an economic necessity in many parrrts o’ t’ worrld, an’ yea! many be rotten scallywags, rogues, an’ salty rum-drunkards giddy t’ slit ye throat for nary a doubloon, orrrrr just t’ see ya bleedin’, buckos! Yet some o’ me best mateys be pirates who’arrrrr merely plunderin’ t’ feed tharrrrr families an’ stay afloat on t' rough seas o' life! Quick mockin' tharrrr linguistic idiosyncrasies, else I'll beat ye with me wooden leg an’ throw ye overboard! Arrrrrrrrrrr!!!!!
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