Classic Commercials Rewritten for a Pandemic

Where’s the beef? Not at Whole Foods.
Keep ‘em home for breakfast…and lunch…and dinner…with Hostess.
Five out of five dentists agree, their offices are closed.
“Hey, you didn’t get your chocolate in my peanut butter!” “Hey, you didn’t get your peanut butter on my chocolate!” Two great tastes that taste great apart.
Squeeze the Charmin, if you can find any.
Pepperidge Farm remembers bread on the shelves.
Campbell’s. Soup is food.
“I can’t believe it.” “That you got the coronavirus?” “Well, yeah...but I also can’t believe how easy it was to save 50% on my car insurance with Geico.”
(Close-ups of people touching their faces.) Just Don’t Do It.
It’s not contaminated. It’s DiGiorno.
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