NEW SHOW! Comedy Night @ Buschenschank

Here's a new standup show I'm co-hosting/producing in my beloved Carroll Gardens, Brooklyn... Come turn your Weltschmerz into mirth & merriment! Please come to our first show, so they'll let us keep doing it! Help us create a new venue for comedians & humor-deprived residents of the hood!
Thurs, October 24, 8 p.m.
Buschenschank Brooklyn
320 Court Street (btw. Union & Sackett Streets)
Close to the F & G trains, Carroll Street stop
In the "Ratskeller" (groovy basement room) - great German/Italian food & beer at this place!
Admission is only $5.00. No drink minimum.
The THURSDAY, OCTOBER 24TH show will feature these fine comedians*:
-DAVE HILL (Cinemax, "Tasteful Nudes")
-THOMAS ATTILA LEWIS (The TV Junkie, "Channel Zero" podcast)
-ELIZA SKINNER ("Totally Biased with W. Kamau Bell", The Beatdown)
-CLAUDIA COGAN ("Last Comic Standing", NY Magazine's 10 People Funny People Find Funny)
-JOE PERA (The Creek and The Cave)
-CATIE LAZARUS ("Employee of the Month" podcast)
and MORE TBA! (*lineup is subject to change)
Plus your lovable and hilarious hosts TIM ELLIS & MO FATHELBAB!