Wallander Episodes I Want to See

I’m hooked on Wallander, the Nordic noir series with Kenneth Branagh on PBS. Here are some upcoming episodes I'm excited about…*
Ep. 10: A gruesome killing at Ikea leads Wallander to purchase a Tjusig shoe rack. After eating fifteen meatballs, he experiences existential angst.
Ep. 11: The somber inspector goes undercover as bass player for ABBA to investigate a brutal murder. He feels ennui during "Dancing Queen."
Ep. 12: For complicated reasons, the downbeat detective must defeat aging tennis champ Bjorn Borg in a match of death. He wonders “what it all means.”
Ep. 13: Wallander delves into a bleak underworld to find out who butchered the Swedish Chef. The Muppets give him Weltschmerz.
Ep. 14: While sleuthing an unspeakable homicide, Wallander gets a Swedish massage. It’s depressing.
*Provided that Romney isn’t elected and doesn’t try to kill off Wallander, along with Big Bird, Jim Lehrer, and the folks at Antiques Roadshow. Actually, that would make a good episode!