Tweeting in the Wind: My Hurricane Diary

You might be wondering, “What was Tim’s hurricane experience like?” If you live in NYC, it was probably a lot like yours, only different. Here, for the benefit of posterity and historical documentation, is my firsthand account of Irene, told in reverse chronological order through tweets and Facebook updates (apparently that's how we do things now):
iamtimellis Tim Ellis
We now know: hurricanes cannot be stopped by sending an extraordinary amount of tweets about them. #irene
22 hours ago Favorite Reply Delete
NOTE: Included below is a brief correspondence with fearless NY1 reporter Roger Clark.
iamtimellis Tim Ellis
@RogerClark41 Impressed that you can tweet back! Stay dry!
22 hours ago Favorite Reply Delete
RogerClark41 Roger Clark
@iamtimellis I feel like I was underwater too! :-)
23 hours ago Favorite Undo Retweet Reply
iamtimellis Tim Ellis
@RogerClark41 Hope you get to dry off soon! NY1 is now the Underwater News Channel. Let us know if you see Spongebob.
23 hours ago Favorite Reply Delete
iamtimellis Tim Ellis
"Our house made it through 9/11" & "Aliens have not come to probe us" -- equally logical reasons for staying in Zone A. #irene
28 Aug Favorite Reply Delete
Hey, I just realized I wasn't invited to any hurricane parties! Do I have to just sit here and write stuff on Facebook?
Like · · Yesterday at 12:11am
iamtimellis Tim Ellis
Damn, I keep wanting to let my guard down, but they keep telling me not to. It's exhausting to keep my guard up this long! #irene
27 Aug Favorite Reply Delete
"A Tornado Watch means - watch out for tornados!" Where do they get these guys? I could do that!
Like · · Saturday at 10:17pm
iamtimellis Tim Ellis
Hey, I heard there might be a hurricane or something. Has anyone else heard about this? Let me know! #irene
27 Aug Favorite Reply Delete
iamtimellis Tim Ellis
Proof that Irene is God's wrath at NY for being gay: all Broadway shows have been cancelled. #Irene
27 Aug Favorite Reply Delete
iamtimellis Tim Ellis
According to NY1's weather map, the palm trees in NYC will soon be bending. #irene #hurricaneirene
27 Aug Favorite Reply Delete
Watching all this hurricane coverage on NY1 makes me want to book a wedding at the Grand Prospect Hall. ("We make your dreams come true!")
Like · · Saturday at 2:57pm
I want to loot! I've never looted before, so just once in my life I'd like to know what it's like. (I can say this because obviously I will never loot.)
Like · · Saturday at 1:44pm
NOTE: The above post started a deep discussion among friends about the ethics of looting. Some made the philosophical point that, because of the mutable nature of the self, or something, it was wrong to say that I or they would never loot. They seemed to be advocating it!
To which I replied… Tim Ellis It's true, I could loot under the right (wrong?) circumstances. But how humorous/responsible would my post be if people thought I was really gonna? I think I'll just loot my refrigerator before power goes out...
Saturday at 8:28pm · Like
iamtimellis Tim Ellis
"This hurricane stuff is getting be be like a full-time job!" Did I really just say that to my wife?
27 Aug Favorite Reply Delete
iamtimellis Tim Ellis
3 people were referred to my blog by I wonder if they were annoyed. My NYC Hurricane Preparedness Kit:…
26 Aug Favorite Reply Delete
iamtimellis Tim Ellis
My NYC Hurricane Preparedness Kit…
25 Aug Favorite Reply Delete
iamtimellis Tim Ellis
The NYC earthquake? Fugetaboutit!
23 Aug Favorite Reply Delete
NOTE: Prior to Aug 23, nothing significant happened.
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